JRuby Serial Interview 2

Posted by Nick Sieger Thu, 11 Jan 2007 04:03:52 GMT

This is part 2 in our ongoing conversation tracking the development of JRuby.

It’s been exciting to see all the discussion between the JRuby developers and Rubinius developers, especially in #rubinius. What benefits do you see coming from this kind of cooperation?

Charles Nutter: Evan and I have been talking since this summer, actually, when he was working on early versions of Rubinius. We both have gone through many of the same growing pains dealing with Ruby’s quirkier features and evaluating interpreter/VM design options. I don’t know how Evan feels about it, but I was very glad to find someone else who was interested in such things.

Now that Rubinius is in the public eye and has some real momentum, there’s more sharing going on. We’ve been talking about those same design options, weighing them together and coming up with new choices we can both implement. Others on the Rubinius team have forwarded the idea of reusing portions of the Rubinius source in JRuby.

It’s also become apparent that we’re trying to solve very similar problems from different directions. In JRuby’s case, we already have a fully-functional Ruby interpreter, functional enough to run apps as complicated as Rails. Our challenge is to keep JRuby running well and evolve a working interpreter toward a more future proof, performant, and maintainable design. Rubinius is really just starting out, only to the point of running a small portion of the Ruby corpus, but the design is easier to follow and simpler to evolve. Their challenge is to keep the design simple while expanding compatibility and improving speed. JRuby is mostly Java with some Ruby code, though we’d like to make it more Ruby code in the future. Rubinius is obviously mostly Ruby code with some C, but they’re interested in being able to migrate it to other underlying languages. We’re both interested in a Java-based Rubinius.

I think it’s been very positive for everyone involved to have this level of cooperation, and it’s helped us all understand Ruby better.

Ola Bini: Well, the exchange with Rubinius is obviously very valuable. The more people working on implementations and sharing information, the better for all the implementations, of course. I also see Rubinius as something very intriguing, and it would be very interesting to see how much we could port to JRuby.

Thomas Enebo: I have not personally been in contact with Rubinius developers (Charles has though), but I can say more generally that many implementations will necessitate some level of cooperation. As we discover differences between implementations, we need dialogue to help understand why those differences exist. It is possible this dialogue will end up identifying poorly-identified cross-platform issues or general mis-features.

At an implementation level it will yield suggestions across the fence for how to do things differently. A thread in ruby-core a month or so ago had some exchanges on how MRI could be optimized. Charles and I chimed in about some of those ideas because we had considered and implemented some of them in JRuby. I think as time goes on, this exchange of ideas will increase.

The biggest news in Ruby land recently is probably the announcement of a fully merged YARV. What affect does this have on JRuby?

Thomas Enebo: This seems like great news for Ruby, but I am not sure it has much affect currently on JRuby. We are still focused on 1.8.x support. It is getting easier for us to change language semantics now and when 1.9/2 starts getting closer to release I feel comfortable that we can spin a Ruby 2 branch pretty quickly.

From a personal standpoint, it is great to see Ruby hit this next milestone. I think the perception of progress is pretty important and merging YARV will give Ruby 2 development a nice perceptual boost. Also this will mean many more people pounding on YARV, which will help run it through its paces better.

Ola Bini: YARV is important news. Very much so. But at the moment the effects will not be that noticeable. Right now we’re still working hard to get 1.8-compatibility complete. But, Charles have begun work on a YARVMachine that runs some basic scripts (including the famous iterative fib bench). I’ve started looking on this the last few days, and have some ideas. My first priority will probably be to implement a reader for YARV bytecode. This will make it easier to test our machine, since we can compile with YARV and then run the compiled files with JRuby. Alongside with that I am going to start tinkering on a new backend to Charles current compiler, so it will emit YARV bytecode instead. I’m not sure exactly when this is going to happen, though, but we try to stay on top of YARV.

Charles Nutter: The merging of YARV (no longer “yet another” Ruby VM but instead “the” Ruby VM) is a very big event for the Ruby world. Koichi has worked long and hard on it, and I’m very glad to see it’s now officially part of Ruby core. I had some time to talk with Koichi and Matz about implementation challenges at RubyConf 2006, and we came to agreement on a number of items, most prominently that critical= needs to go away. Again, more cross-project sharing.

We’re watching the newly-reset 2.0 design process closely, since we know it will eventually affect JRuby’s future. In the interim, however, we’re trying to solve at the 1.8 level many issues YARV is designed to solve in 1.9 and 2.0. So many of the design choices made by Koichi and Matz for 1.9 play directly into how we tackle those same decisions in JRuby.

I think in general the merging of YARV shows that Ruby is moving forward and evolving on all fronts.

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