Gig: Speaking at Gotham Ruby Conference 2007

Posted by Nick Sieger Sat, 24 Mar 2007 04:41:00 GMT

Hey! I’ve been so excited and busy at the same time I forgot to mention I’ll be speaking at the Gotham Ruby Conference on April 21st in NYC located at the Googleplex in Chelsea. Hopefully you’ve got your ticket by now, as last I heard there were only a couple of tickets left. You’ll hear me giving the JRuby pitch: Ruby on the best VM on the planet, performance updates, deploying Rails by dropping a file in a Java webserver, and more. Looking forward to carousing with the fine Rubyists in the Tri-State Metro area! Manhattan was my provenance in 1997-1999, where I had my first programming gig out of college, so I feel like I’m coming back to where I got started, in a way.

Only downer -- I’ll miss the second incarnation of Minnebar, which was a blast last year. If you’re near the Twin Cities that weekend you owe it to yourself to attend.

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  1. Avatar Luke Francl said 1 day later:

    Cool, Nick -- that’s a great honor. We’ll be sorry to miss you at MinneBar though!


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