Gig: Double-stacked Conferences in One Weekend

Posted by Nick Sieger Fri, 20 Apr 2007 15:01:08 GMT

So, on somewhat late notice due to a miscommunication, I’ve been asked to step in and give a talk on JRuby at the SDForum Silicon Valley Ruby Conference this Sunday the 22nd. This, in addition to my already-scheduled talk at GoRuCo! JRuby makes an appearance on both coasts in a single busy weekend!

Due to schedule shuffling, I’ll be sharing a 75-minute time slot in the morning with Tor Norbye, who will be giving a talk on Ruby tooling featuring NetBeans.

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  1. Avatar Luke Francl said about 13 hours later:

    Wow, that’s crazy. Talk about globe trotting. Let us know the latest on Twitter scaling when you get back!


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