Three Years of JRuby on Rails

Posted by Nick Sieger Wed, 13 May 2009 21:21:37 GMT

Just yesterday the 3-year mark of JRuby running Rails passed by. In the intervening period since JRuby first started to run Rails, we’ve seen:

And yet, JRuby still has plenty of untapped potential and room for growth and adoption: in the existing Ruby and Rails communities where JRuby is showing promise as a stable, performant, concurrency-enabled, and leak-proof platform; and as a transformative force to capture the mindshare of a huge army of Java developers who aren’t even aware that there’s a language and runtime that allows them to preserve their skills and existing code while developing new applications faster and with much greater enjoyment.

Here’s looking to the future of continued growth for JRuby over the next three years. The best is yet to come!

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  1. Avatar Mike McKinney said about 2 hours later:


  2. Avatar Justin said about 19 hours later:

    Congratulations guys. You’ve been a big help to me!

  3. Avatar Jake said about 19 hours later:

    We’ve been active with JRuby beyond Oracle Mix. Its internal sibling, Connect, is also JRuby. We recently did a redesign you can read about here:

    Keep up the excellent work.

  4. Avatar Kotlina Klodzka said 13 days later:

    Congratulations! May the next 3 years be at least as successful as the last. Keep up the good work.