New Hpricot Release
Posted by Nick Sieger Fri, 06 Nov 2009 16:06:37 GMT
It’s with a modicum of fanfare and a cocktail of orange peel, maraschino, bitters, bourbon and vermouth that I announce the 0.8.2 release of Hpricot.
The angly thingies are just two martini glasses turned on their side, see? Pouring out hpricoty goodness for you. (I don’t know if _why imbibed alcoholic beverages but I feel the desire to raise a glass to him.)
This release is mostly a refresh; the previous release was way back in April. From the Git logs I can see that there were a few bug fixes since then. Otherwise, the main addition is a modern JRuby release, thanks to Ola Bini. (the previous was the 0.6 series). This does fix a fairly old, popular JRuby bug.
As for the future of Hpricot, it’s up to you. I know it’s still a trusty tool for many; I have no grand plans to change it. So if you encounter bugs and want to send patches, I’m happy to serve as your curator.
I’m very excited to see this latest hpricot release. Traditionally, mechanize relied on hpricot, but deploying hpricot to a remote production environment has been problematic. Now that mechanize has moved to nokogiri, I should be thrilled, but we need pure java version for App Engine. With hpricot portability issues behind us, I hope this can be part of the solution to get mechanize to play nice in restrictive environments.
Thanks Nick,
It’s great to see hpricot for JRuby, back on level-pegging with its MRI counterpart.