New Hpricot Release

Posted by Nick Sieger Fri, 06 Nov 2009 16:06:37 GMT

It’s with a modicum of fanfare and a cocktail of orange peel, maraschino, bitters, bourbon and vermouth that I announce the 0.8.2 release of Hpricot.


The angly thingies are just two martini glasses turned on their side, see? Pouring out hpricoty goodness for you. (I don’t know if _why imbibed alcoholic beverages but I feel the desire to raise a glass to him.)

This release is mostly a refresh; the previous release was way back in April. From the Git logs I can see that there were a few bug fixes since then. Otherwise, the main addition is a modern JRuby release, thanks to Ola Bini. (the previous was the 0.6 series). This does fix a fairly old, popular JRuby bug.

As for the future of Hpricot, it’s up to you. I know it’s still a trusty tool for many; I have no grand plans to change it. So if you encounter bugs and want to send patches, I’m happy to serve as your curator.

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  1. Avatar John Woodell said about 5 hours later:

    I’m very excited to see this latest hpricot release. Traditionally, mechanize relied on hpricot, but deploying hpricot to a remote production environment has been problematic. Now that mechanize has moved to nokogiri, I should be thrilled, but we need pure java version for App Engine. With hpricot portability issues behind us, I hope this can be part of the solution to get mechanize to play nice in restrictive environments.

  2. Avatar Ijonas Kisselbach said 1 day later:

    Thanks Nick,

    It’s great to see hpricot for JRuby, back on level-pegging with its MRI counterpart.